When only the freshest chicken is the preferred selection when entertaining with friends or planning your next home cooked meal then consider this most succulent alternative from Townsville's own The Butcher On Bundock 

The Butcher On Bundock knows exactly what it takes to produce chickens that are fresh, wholesome and of premium quality. All chickens are grain fed, free to roam in large barns & are 100% free of any added hormones or steroids Chickens are fed diets which have been specially formulated by nutritionists to ensure that every chicken receives the right amounts of vitamins and nutrients. Daily assessments are made to continually make improvements when the opportunity arises. Chickens are fed using roughly 90% grains, including wheat, sorghum, barley, soybean meal, canola and other oilseeds, and legumes.

You will find no cages on a farm that supplies chickens to The Butcher On Bundock or for that matter, on any broiler Chicken Farm in Australia . The chickens are free to roam in large barns. This promotes good physical health for the chickens and ensures a nutritious and tasty meat for your plate.

Farming Practices

The Butcher On Bundock endorses the careful selection process to determine whether a farm has the competency and sustainability to grow chicken. Considerations are given for the following:

1 Proven experience in growing quality barn raised chicken - this is assessed by mortality rates, quality audits, future planning.

2 Attaining the following accreditations and standards of practice

- Quality Management Farming
- Environmental Management System
- The implementation of ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems Standards

3 Facility standards set by the Australian government.







Trading Hours
Monday to Friday: 6:00am to 5:30pm
Saturday: 6am to 2pm
Sunday: Closed
The Butcher On Bundock Townsville. Website designed, hosted & maintained by Allcorp Advertising © 2011